Sunday, August 17, 2008

In Our Flat

It is Sunday, August, 17, 2008. We have finally moved into our flat. We moved on Friday. We don't have internet in the flat yet, so I am sitting in McDonalds using their free WiFi. That is different, WiFi in McDonalds. I took Friday off from work and we moved from the hotel to the flat and started our newest culture shock. You know a place always looks bigger when you look at it. We went on our first grocery shopping experience. It took us over 2 hours to just do the grocery shopping. Just think what it would be like to shop with nothing at all in your house. We had to buy a little of everything. And then, trying to figure out what you were buying. I finally had a glass of ice tea. That was so good, since all you can get cold is beer, wine, coke and water. It rained for about 6 days straight, but thank goodness it was dry when we moved in and shopped. Linda loves the new washing/drying machine. Yes it is all in one. At a minimum it takes over 3 hours, one load at a time. This is a new experience. Hopefully we will get the internet this week and then we will have the work computer and my computer. Then I can start keeping this up to date better. We thought we would be moved in by now. Now for the british word jab, it means a shot, like a flu shot or over here a flu jab. At the grocery store we bought minced meat, what did we buy? Enough talking here are the pictures. Next post, I will add pictures of the inside of the flat.

Here is the hotel we stayed in after we moved to a different hotel after the first week here. Yes, that is a Rolls Royce in front of the hotel. They had a convention while we where there.

Skipton Castle

This is all the pictures for this post. I will add lots more when we get the internet at the flat. Have a good week.

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