Saturday, November 29, 2008


Hello, it is Saturday, November 29th.  Three weeks from today, Linda and I will be resting from our trip home from England.  We will see most of you on Sunday.  We did not go anywhere this weekend resting up from our trip earlier this week to Barcelona.  If you ever have the chance, this is one city I recommend you going to see.  This next week is my last full week to work this year.  The company Christmas party is next Saturday so we will send you some pictures from it.  We look forward to seeing many of you in the next few weeks.  Now for the word of last week, what is a ladder?  It is a run in a pair of ladies stockings.  What is a nappy?  Now for the pictures.
This is a picture of our hotel on the pier.
The 1992 Olympic Stadium
Barcelona Beach at Sunset
Spanish architecture, Barcelona is known for all different types of architecture
Bridge between two buildings
Linda looking up at me while we are walking down the stairs at La Sagrada Familia
Looking over the city from La Sagrada Familia
More architecture from Gaudi

Saturday, November 22, 2008

South England - Portsmouth

Here are some Portsmouth and Isle of Wight pictures which is a ferry ride across the bay from Portsmouth.  

Little Sheepy ride home
A canon at the D-day musuem in Portsmouth.  Most of the D-day invasion started there.
Alum Bay, Needles Park
Closer picture of Alum Bay

At the port of Portsmouth.

South England - Stonehenge

Hello again, it is Saturday, November 22nd.  Last weekend we went to Southern England to Stonehenge and Portsmouth.  Here are the pictures from Stonehenge.  Now for the word, what does plaster mean?  It is a band-aid.  For this week, what is a ladder?  It is not what we would call a ladder.
Stonehenge makes up a circle which corresponds to the equinox.
You can tell by the circle which month you are in.
A closer look

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hello, it is Monday, November 10th.  Yes, this is the earliest I have gotten the pictures posted from the previous weekend.  Linda and I went to Whitby on Saturday.  Before you get to the pictures, Gritting in progress is Sanding the road for winter conditions. What are plasters?

The North Sea from the pier
Seagull at Whitby
Looking at back at Whitby from the pier.
Whitby Abby 
Looking up from the Abby
A very interesting picture of the Abby

Looking across the bay from the Abby

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Leeds Castle

Here is our trip to Leeds Castle. Henry VIII lived in this castle.
Here is a tethered balloon which Linda and I rode at the Castle

A closer picture

Pictures from the balloon of the castle

Pictures from above

More from above
Picture of Leeds Castle
Pictures of a bedroom in the Castle

Picture of a ceiling in the Castle
Black Swan at the Castle


Hello again, it is Thursday, Nov 6th.  Last weekend Linda and I drove down to Dover. The first day it rained all day but we were able to see things the second day.  The weekend before this one we stayed home on my birthday, we went to eat at the Drum & Monkey restaurant.  It is a seafood restaurant.  After eating out, we went to the movies.  Now for the word, advert. It is an advertisement.  Linda and I saw a sign.  It said Gritting in Progress.  What was happening?

White Cliffs of Dover
Sun shining on Dover Cliffs
Inside Dover Castle

Ferry coming in Dover
Looking at France across the English Channel.